Meet the Speaker

Urban Mobility and Smart Ageing UMSA2021 conference will give a floor to more than 50 experts from various fields representing different institutions, universities and R&D centers. We are happy to announce several of them below.

Find out more about their presentations and stay tuned for other valuable speakers that will come soon with the latest research, trends & case studies from around the world.

? Dr. Tanu Priya Uteng, Senior Transport Planner, The Institute of Transport Economics (Transportøkonomisk institutt (Norwegian Centre for Transport Research) – Infrastructure for people – not cars.
? Aparna Kumari, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India – Towards Age-friendly Ambient Assisted Living in Sustainable Smart Cities
? Dr. Ziheng Sun, Research Assistant Professor, George Mason University – COSRE: COVID-19 Social Exposure Risk Estimation without Contact Tracing
? Alexandra König, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Transportation Systems – Designing future mobility solutaions for and with people with impairments – First results from the TRIPS project