Dr Tanu Priya Uteng

Tanu Priya Uteng (PhD), senior researcher at the Institute of Transport Economics (TOI) in Oslo, Norway, holds a PhD degree in Transport Planning and has worked extensively across a host of cross-cutting issues in the field of urban and transport planning in the past 16 years. Her areas of expertise include: inclusive cities, mobilities, transport-related social exclusion, travel behaviour studies, evaluation and gender studies. She is currently leading, as project or work-package leader, several long-term strategic projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Nordic research funding and EU, looking at topics like gendered mobilities, first-last mile connectivity, shared solutions, climate and travel behaviour and green-shift. In her various research undertakings, she ventures to explore the ‘place vs. space’ dimension and ways to avoid creating anti-spaces. She has edited Gendered Mobilities (2008), Urban Mobilities in the Global South (2017) and Gendering Smart Mobilities (2020).


Day 1 (Thursday, APRIL 22, 2021)

13:15 – 14:45
Panel #1 – Active and shared mobility solutions for age-friendly cities

Planning for elderly mobilities: Can sharing aid the transition towards sustainable travel behaviour? Case of Oslo, Norway

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